Thursday, April 15, 2021

France's supreme court compounds the damage already done in Sarah Halimi's murder

The French supreme court's ruled they won't overturn the previous ruling refusing to recognize the responsibility of the Muslim who murdered Sarah Halimi:
On 4 April 2017, TraorĂ©, a jobless drug dealer and addict, had violently beaten his 64-year-old Jewish neighbour, shouting “Allah Akbar” and reciting verses from the Quran. The 27-year-old then threw her into the courtyard of their apartment building in Belleville, in eastern Paris. The psychiatric experts who worked on the case all agree that he was suffering from a “delusional state” at the time of the murder of the 60-year-old.

The Court last December considered that the discernment of the murderer had been abolished at the time of the facts.

Lawyers for Sarah Halimi’s relatives have announced their intention to take the case to the European Court of Human Rights.

“It is a great disappointment, a great sorrow,” Julie Buk Lament, lawyer for Sarah Halimi’s relatives told French radio. TraorĂ©’s lawyer, Patrice Spinosi, described the decision as “a reasonable one, in line with its usual jurisprudence.’’
Already, this is turning out to be one of the most antisemitic-laced trials in modern history, and in addition, demonstrates how the legal system in France is collapsing. Now, to mend this damage and seek proper justice is going to be very difficult going forward, along with how to repair a seriously injured justice system in Europe that's equally demeaning to women.

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