Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Train wreck approach in Congress leads to conservative outrage

Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that vice president Mike Pence has decided to throw his boss under the bus, by refusing to reject electoral vote results, even though he has the authority. And now, that cowardice has led to an angry conservative mob storming the Capitol:
The U.S. Capitol has descended into chaos as Trump supporters at the March to Save America clashed with police.

Several crowds stormed barricades outside Congress, where lawmakers are convening to vote on the certification of the Electoral College of the 2020 presidential election. The Library of Congress has been evacuated amid violent clashes.
Many have already penetrated the building, as of now, and there's been chaos. It's terrible, but what can one expect when nobody's willing to show courage in the face of tyranny? And now, all the incompetence has led to a defenseless woman being shot:
National File reported that one person had been shot inside the Capitol Building, and were able to confirm that a woman had been taken outside of the building on a gurney. New videos now show the young Trump supporting woman, who was unarmed, severely bleeding from the neck after reportedly being shot by the DC Police.
This is an outrage, and it's disgusting. After something like this, you know this whole mess won't go quietly into the night, and have to wonder what's going to happen at this point onwards?

Update: Gateway Pundit has more on the violent response police had towards unarmed protestors.

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