Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Israeli left despises Yair Netanyahu for stating facts about Yitzhak Rabin's role in attacking the Altalena

The prime minister's son enraged leftists like those of the Labor party for discussing how the late Rabin had carried out the horrific assault on the Altalena boat in the 1940s, even slaughtering Holocaust survivors:
Prime Minister’s Benjamin Netanyahu’s son, Yair, raised the ire of Israel’s left when he slammed the assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin for his role in the Altalena Affair, in which a gun ship bringing weapons to Israel was destroyed off the Tel Aviv beach.

Although the prime minister said he disagreed with the tweet, left-wing leaders held him responsible.

Yair, a proficient Twitter user who uses the platform to defend his father’s record and right-wing political views, had tweeted: “Rabin murdered Holocaust survivors on the Altalena. Rabin brought Arafat and tens of thousands of terrorists from Tunis and caused the deaths of 2,000 Israelis.”

The prime minister distanced himself from his son’s post on Saturday night, in a statement put out by his spokesman, Ofer Golan.

“I do not agree with what my son Yair wrote about the late Yitzhak Rabin. Yair’s positions are his alone and made on his own,” the statement said. [...]

Despite the outcry, there is apparently an element of truth to Yair’s words. According to the historical record, Rabin had fired on a ship bringing arms to Israel in June, 1948. The ship, the Altalena, was organized by the Irgun, a Jewish underground group which Israel’s first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion was determined to eliminate, seeing it as a threat to the state.

Rabin commanded the IDF and Palmach forces on the shore.

Ship’s captain Monroe Fein recalled, “As men began jumping off the ship and swimming toward the shore, those of us still on shipboard saw that they were being shot at continuously from rifles and machine guns on the beach.”

The firing continued even after Monroe raised a white flag on the ship’s bridge.

Israeli Attorney Yoram Sheftel, a pundit who often weighs in on political issues on TV and in print, referred to the issue on Israel’s Army Radio on Sunday. He said Yair’s tweet had been correct.

“At Rabin’s instruction, 900 passengers on the Altalena were fired at, many of whom were Holocaust survivors. They shot at them even as they jumped into the water. Rabin gave the order to shoot at Holocaust survivors. That is the story, and there is no denying it,”
he said.
That anyone on the left would consider this even remotely acceptable only attests to how desensitized to violence they really are. And that's very disturbing. In addition, it shows how they remain unrepentant over an act of violence committed in the name of power possession. The younger Netanyahu was right to state facts, and they're going to have to come to terms with that.

In the comments section, one said:
Too much candor for the darlings on the Left?
The fact that Rabin was ordered by Ben Gurion to attack the Altalena is established fact that can be checked out in historical textbooks.
To this day the Left Establishment is still trying to destroy their rivals on the right,...any way they can,...nothing is too low for them.
To the insiders on the left, control of Israel is their version of la Cosa Nostra (Our Thing).
All this mirrors the endless attacks on President Trump in America.
The insiders feel they own the show & don't want to give their power to the general public.
Another said:
Yair! You can be proud for having said the truth, the whole truth that Rabin being part of the left governing Israel at the birth of the state by any means necessary including sinking a ship full of weapons and volunteers to fight for Israel when the Arab states united in numbers dwarfing the number of fighters for Israel for the simple reason that they were not part of the abject left. Rabin was the leftist who ordered the bombardment of The Altalena. I still remember Begin screaming "Altalena" his rallyng cry that made the left pay back in losing elections after elections. No one should stop screaming Altalena while pointing to the left. Bravo Yair!
And another said about Amir Peretz, who attacked Netanyahu over this:
Amir Peretz, lol. Talk to us when you are politically relavent. I am not a fan of Yair, but what he said is not wrong. It may be difficult to hear, but his statements are true.
Yup. Sooner or later, he'll have to come to terms with facts.

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