Friday, August 17, 2018

Son of an imam with feminist supporters ran a terrorist-training camp

I think this explains perfectly why today's leftist feminists must also be considered some of the most ignorant, vile people around, if this who they consider legitimate:
Already missing from the news cycle is the story of Muslim leader Siraj Wahhaj, who alerted authorities to the squalid conditions in New Mexico in which his son, two daughters, another man and woman, and 11 children were living.

Authorities arrived at the compound to some of the most horrifying conditions they had ever seen, and prosecutors identified the makeshift home as a training ground for militant children, including in carrying out school shootings. The imam’s son had been wanted for kidnapping his own four-year-old child, who had severe disabilities. The body of a young child was recovered from the site, but authorities have yet to verify its identity.

Siraj claims his son and daughters had strayed from his teachings of Islam, had somehow become radicalized, and were possibly dealing with mental illness. He presented himself as a peaceful and well-respected imam, careful to distance himself from the terrorist conditions in which his family was found. But the facts on that count are doubtful.

Who Is Siraj Wahhaj?

Born Jeffrey Kearse in Brooklyn, Wahhaj converted to the Nation of Islam in 1969, and changed his name to Jeffrey X12. He became a leader in the community and regularly taught that “white people are devils.” By 1975, he reigned in his outspoken racism toward white people and converted to a more orthodox Sunni Muslim, changing his name to the Arabic Siraj Wahhaj.

He is the founder of and an imam at Masjid At-Taqwa in Brooklyn, and is well known and respected, attracting Muslims from all over the world to hear him speak. In 1991, Wahhaj became the first Muslim to lead a prayer at the start of a session of the U.S. House of Representatives.

In that same year, he said, “As long as you remember that if you get involved in politics, you have to be very careful that your leader is for Allah. You don’t get involved in politics because it’s the American thing to do. You get involved in politics because politics are a weapon to use in the cause of Islam.”
Read the rest, and note how creatures like Linda Sarsour are allies and students of these horrific enemies too. It's clear the pere is no better than the fils, and doesn't consider his ideology to have any fault in leading to his son's own evils. That's why he must also be shunned for the terrible situations he's led to.

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