Monday, June 19, 2017


She may have lost the presidential election, but for the first time, she's won a seat in France's National Assembly, and the Front National itself got nearly 10 percent of the vote:
Far-right leader Marine Le Pen on Sunday won a seat in the French parliament, but her anti-EU National Front (FN) party faced disappointment, winning only four to eight seats, polls and party figures said. The number of lawmakers, if confirmed, would be too small to form a parliamentary group which would give the FN a role in setting the agenda and win positions on committees.

Le Pen, 48, who lost her presidential bid to centrist Emmanuel Macron, triumphed in her northern fiefdom of Henin-Beaumont, a depressed former mining town, the town’s FN mayor Steeve Briois said.
Oh, I wouldn't be too sure the results wouldn't be enough to ensure she'll have some influence. After all, she's a beginner in politics, and this is her first actual election to parliament. Where she failed at presidency, she did succeed in making her way to parliament.

Though Emmanuel Macron's party won a huge amount of seats, it didn't get the vast majority the pollsters/media were predicting, and the French Republicains party got more than expected on their part. There's more about the election here.

In other good news, Meyer Habib was reelected to the Assembly. I'm hoping all of the relevant sources will do their best to make themselves heard on the case of Islamofascism devouring the country now, because that should be the most serious issue facing us all now.

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