Wednesday, February 22, 2017


The lady candidate for French presidency did something the female dhimmis in Sweden wouldn't do: she refused to wear a hijab during a visit to a Lebanese mufti, and ideally cancelled the meeting with him too:
French far-right National Front presidential candidate Marine Le Pen canceled a meeting on Tuesday with Lebanon's grand mufti, its top cleric for Sunni Muslims, after refusing to wear a headscarf for the encounter.

Le Pen, among the frontrunners for the presidency, is using a two-day visit to Lebanon to bolster her foreign policy credentials nine weeks from the April 23 first round, and may be partly targeting potential Franco-Lebanese votes.

Many Lebanese fled to France, Lebanon's former colonial power, during their country's 1975-1990 civil war and became French citizens.

After meeting Christian President Michel Aoun - her first public handshake with a head of state - and Sunni Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri on Monday, she had been scheduled to meet the Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian

He heads the Dar al-Fatwa, the top religious authority for Sunni Muslims in the multireligious country.

"I met the grand mufti of Al-Azhar," she told reporters, referring to a visit in 2015 to Cairo's 1,000-year-old center of Islamic learning. "The highest Sunni authority didn't have this requirement, but it doesn't matter.

"You can pass on my respects to the grand mufti, but I will not cover myself up," she said.

The cleric's press office said Le Pen's aides had been informed beforehand that a headscarf was required for the meeting and had been "surprised by her refusal".
Oh, sure, I'll bet they were surprised. It's more likely they were enraged underneath she wouldn't kowtow to their demands she demean herself and grovel before the mufti. And she shouldn't adhere to a dress code imposed by Haredi extremists like Satmar either. Whatever her motivations for visiting that mufti, she did the right thing by not meeting him in the end. If he demanded women not be themselves, then he doesn't deserve the dignity of a visit by a politician from a civilized society. Le Pen was brave to refuse, and did the right thing not to grovel.

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