Thursday, July 28, 2016

Depraved Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Goes on Warpath After Charges Dropped in Freddie Gray Case (VIDEO)

Cross-posted from American Power.


Following-up, "Charges Dropped Against Remaining Officers in Freddie Gray Case (VIDEO)."

This is one angry bitch. One depraved angry black bitch.

It's enough never to want to visit Baltimore. Sheesh.

A political prosecution, in the name of social justice and "Black Lives Matter."

It's no wonder it all went out the window, going splat on the pavement like an exploding watermelon.

At the Baltimore Sun, "State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby assails police, pledges to pursue reforms":

Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby came out swinging Wednesday after she dropped the charges against the remaining police officers accused in the death of Freddie Gray, slamming the criminal justice system and saying police were too biased to investigate themselves.

In a fiery news conference at the Gilmor Homes housing project, the prosecutor said that without sweeping reform to police and the court system, "we could try this case 100 times, and cases just like it, and we would still end up with the same result."

Mosby told The Baltimore Sun that she planned to pursue such reforms — including the ability of prosecutors to use independent investigators.

Mosby charged six officers in Gray's arrest and death last year. Baltimore Circuit Judge Barry G. Williams acquitted three of them, saying prosecutors lacked the evidence to prove their cases. Mosby dropped charges Wednesday against the other three.

"I wanted to be able to expose the systemic issues," she said. "And I think that's one of the reasons why we said we should probably [drop the remaining cases]: so we can try to work toward a solution."

The Baltimore police union called Mosby's comments "outrageous, uncalled for and simply not true." Former Police Commissioner Anthony Batts called Mosby "immature, incompetent and vindictive." Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said the prosecutions were "disgraceful" and Mosby "ought to prosecute herself."

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said she supported Mosby but questioned whether she had gone too far in her criticisms of the criminal justice system...
Well, she's obviously not building a winning coalition for the future.

But keep reading, FWIW.


  1. And she'll carry this grudge for decades. I guarantee it.

    Meanwhile, Baltimore will continue to be a hell hole.

  2. A freakin' hell hole!
