Friday, June 10, 2016


More evidence that jihad rings are lurking around Europe, and ready to carry out murderous attacks:
A Syrian man who was detained in France and exposed a terror ring in Germany, told officials that the cell contained more people than the three who were arrested last week, according to officials familiar with the man’s testimony.

The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that the man’s revelations are increasing concerns that the Islamic State (ISIS) could be close to carrying out an attack in Europe once again.

Authorities in France, Germany and the Netherlands are examining the testimony from the man, only identified as Saleh A., who walked into a Paris police station in February and claimed to be part of an ISIS sleeper cell numbering between 10 and 20 people, unidentified officials with knowledge of the investigation told the Journal.

The man’s testimony led to the arrest of three Syrian men in three different German states last week, federal prosecutors said. The men reportedly got into Europe under the cover of asylum-seeking Syrians and were preparing to attack the city of Dusseldorf.
If the authorities don't want more lethal tragedies to occur, they're going to have to take serious action to crack down on Muslim enclaves and expel many of these potentially dangerous interlopers from their continent. It's clear that Europe has become extremely dangerous because of all the neglect by authorities all these years, and no sane person can just sit by and ignore what's hatching in the shadows.

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