Friday, June 24, 2016


Here's something president Rivlin's said that certainly makes sense:
In a speech Wednesday at the European Parliament in Brussels, President Reuven Rivlin called on European countries to invest their efforts to establish trust between Israel and Palestinian, instead of attempts to force a diplomatic settlement.

"The French Initiative adopted only a few days ago suffers from fundamental flaws," Rivlin said. "The attempt to return to negotiations not only will it not bring us closer to a solution, it distances us. The undermining push for a permanent solution is a chronicle of failure foretold form the start, that only pushes the two nations deeper into the fold of despair," he continued.

The President stated that the three main reasons the deal wouldn't work were the split between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza working for the destruction of Israel, the sever economic distress undermining stability and fueling violence and the lack of total faith at all levels between the two parties.
However, I must voice disappointment that he believes trust can be established with the PLO, when they themselves aren't trust-worthy. A movement built on Islamofacism isn't trustworthy at all, not even for Europeans.


  1. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Don't blame President Rivlin for not saying the PLO aren't trustworthy. He is trying to win over his audience, not alienate them. He cannot too bluntly contradict their cherished superstitions. Just as, no matter how much he might wish the contrary, he cannot afford to play in this travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.

  2. There is little difference between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, both support the destruction of the Jewish state; just as both the Hagganah and the Irgun supported the establishment of that same state in 1948! Sorry for that knuckle-dragging Neolanderlithic (if there is such a word), throwback for an old history teacher who is feed up with with revisionist history.
