Friday, June 24, 2016


Veteran British actress Helen Mirren, who's been performing for a few decades, is against anti-Israel boycotts:
Oscar-winning actress Helen Mirren said Wednesday she was a "believer" in Israel and rejected efforts to boycott it.

Mirren showered Israeli artists with praise and said she opposed both the efforts by pro-Palestinian groups to boycott them and the decision of some international artists to shun Israel.

"I think that art is an incredibly important way of communication," she said at a press event in Jerusalem. "The artists of the country are the people you need to communicate with and make a relationship with and learn from and build upon. So I absolutely don't believe in the boycott, and here I am."
And I'm impressed. She's doing the right thing to avoid taking the same kind of degrading positions held by anti-Israelists in the UK, and proving a much better representative.

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