Sunday, May 01, 2016


Public opinion is clear once again:
A new poll published on Friday shows that a growing number of people in France and Germany are uncomfortable with Islam and its visibility in their respective countries.

The study, which was conducted by the polling centre Ifop for French daily Le Figaro, found that 47 percent of French people and 43 percent of Germans felt that the Muslim community poses a “threat” to national identity.

Almost two-thirds of the poll’s respondents in France also said that Islam had become too “influential and visible”, whereas just under half of participants said the same in Germany.

Islam 'too visible'

The same study in 2010 found that 43 percent of French people viewed Islam as a threat, while 55 percent said that it was too visible.
It's worse than simply being visible. It's that it poses a violent threat. But surely more problematic is when the local governments vehemently refuse to exile all the dangerous vermin and enable it to spread around.

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