Monday, February 15, 2016


The former prime minister, one of the most disastrous ever in this country, has become the first premier to spend time in jail:
Former prime minister Ehud Olmert walked into Ma'asiyahu jail in Ramle on Monday to begin serving an 18-month sentence for graft-related offenses.

Olmert becomes the first former prime minister to be sent to prison for criminal offenses.

Just hours before his arrival to the prison, Olmert released a videotaped statement to the press on Monday professing his innocence of graft and bribery charges.
Yep, keeping telling us that. Also keep telling us you had no guilt to shoulder in the damage done to Gaza, or that you weren't associating with the PLO and setting such a bad example. Olmert is one of those kind of criminals who vehemently refuses to admit their guilt, all the way to the bitter end. There's more here about the conditions of his incarceration. He really doesn't deserve what he's gotten, and after he's out, he should probably leave the country for good.

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