Thursday, February 11, 2016


Two Muslim girls arrested for trying to attack with knives let it be known they were indoctrinated very badly:
The wannabe teen terrorists were brought to a juvenile court Thursday in Ramle.

The two 14-year-olds were charged in connection with a terror attack at the city’s central bus station on Feb. 4.

Both girls, residents of Ramle, were charged with attempted murder, conspiracy to commit a crime and possession of a knife.

The indictment submitted by the prosecutor indicates the two teens had talked about the current terror wave about a month before the attack, and together conspired to become shahidas, (martyrs), in a holy war against “the Jews” by being killed while stabbing as many Jews as possible to death, according to police.
And all this is the result of Islamist brainwashing:
Known throughout the Middle East by his nom de guerre, “Abu Mazen,” Abbas has quietly headed an effort to deliberately brainwash an entire generation to grow up as future jihadists and anti-Israel terrorists.

PA leaders continue to glorify Arab killers with Jewish and Israeli blood on their hands. They honor them by marking events, public streets and other venues in their names.

Social media campaigns, sermons in the mosques, school textbooks and government-approved children’s television programs all continue to wipe away the existence of the State of Israel. In its place, such media encourage their young impressionable consumers to launch daring, bloodthirsty attacks against Jews and Israelis.
So it's no wonder these two Muslim girls could've been so far gone at an early age either.

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