Monday, January 18, 2016


Margot Wallstrom, the foreign minister of Sweden, has already caused Israel enough disgust by attacking the right to defend against jihad knifers and such. Now, after all the revolting hostility she's put on display, she's gotten herself deep into a corruption scandal:
Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom, who has become public enemy No. 1 in Israel over her remarks criticizing the security forces for carrying out “extrajudicial killings” against Palestinian terrorists, appears to be entangled in a brewing corruption scandal at home.

According to the Swedish daily Aftonbladet, the country’s largest trade union, Kommunal, is alleged to have rented out luxury apartments in Stockholm at steep discounts to their market value to corporate executives and senior officials from the ruling Social Democratic party.

The apartments were reported to have been overseen by a maintenance firm that made sure to remove them from the market so they could be reserved especially for senior government figures and trade-union executives.

The TT news agency reported on Friday that one of the tenants who took up residence in these apartments was Wallstrom.

The foreign minister denied the accusations, claiming she was “cheated.”

“The declaration that they presented to me was a forgery,” she is quoted as telling TT. “And this is totally unacceptable.”
Oh, that defense is a barrel of laughs alright. "Cheated"? Some Israelis could feel that way too after the manner she's taken. Worse, they could feel disgusted, and with good reason. It's no surprise somebody that reprehensible in her conduct could be involved in such an awful scandal, and she should be ashamed of herself. This could be just the punishment she deserves after all the trouble she's caused.

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