Wednesday, December 16, 2015


This tape by Im Tirtzu has been making headlines and enraging leftists who only wish to be angry for the sake of it, because it reveals left-wing activists who've been collaborating with the enemies of Israel:
A new video clip produced by a social movement calling for the outlawing of left-wing activists operating as “foreign agents” was released on Tuesday, the Israeli news site Walla reported.

The short film, created by Im Tirtzu, a self-described “extra-parliamentary movement that works to strengthen and advance the values of Zionism in Israel,” presents four activists in organizations, including B’Tselem and Breaking the Silence, and accuses them of abetting Palestinian terrorism.

The clip was produced as part of a broader campaign by Im Tirtzu to call into question the operations of foreign-funded Israeli NGOs that have what the group calls an anti-Israel agenda, as The Algemeiner reported on Monday.
The campaign clip is meant to support a legal bill to prevent funding for groups that aim to damage Israel. And as far as I'm concerned, no activists who work to destroy the country should be funded with taxpayers' money. And they shouldn't even be getting involved in politics either, because IMHO, it only hurts people's minds. If they're angry the video was ever produced, they deserve whatever they've gotten. Thin skinned deserve no mercy.

There's more on the subject here and here, plus one more noting 13 NGOs who're funded by Ramallah Islamofascists.

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