Friday, December 04, 2015


The latest intifada stabbing took place circa the village of Halamish:
A Palestinian stabbed and wounded an Israeli near the West Bank settlement of Halamish near the city of Ramallah on Friday and was killed by security forces, the army said.

"Forces at the scene responded and shot the attacker, resulting in his death," it said in a statement.

Initial reports said that 20 year-old male suffered stab wounds to his neck and was evacuated to Tel Hashomer Medical Center in serious condition.

The attacker was identified as 27 year-old Palestinian Abed al-Rahman al-Barghouthi.

The attack comes hours after an Israeli soldier was lightly injured in a stabbing attack in the West Bank city of Hebron Thursday night.

The two Palestinian assailants were shot dead at the scene in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood, according to initial reports and the injured soldier was evacuated to Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek hospital for treatment.
The assailants can go to hell. Let's hope the victims recover.

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