Tuesday, November 17, 2015


As anti-terror raids are now conducted in Europe, and will hopefully continue, it's been discovered that some of the jihadists in Paris came from a Belgian suburb called Molenbeek:
As France bombs ISIS targets in Syria following the horrific attacks in Paris, experts warned the roots of the onslaught were much closer to home: young people turning to radical Islam because they don't feel they belong in Europe.

At least half of the extremists who killed nearly 130 people on Friday are thought to have been raised in France and neighboring Belgium.

"We are breeding a generation of kids who are estranged from their own societies," U.K.-based expert on radicalization Bill Durodie said.

Security forces have zeroed in on a poor Molenbeek suburb of Brussels, where several people were detained in a series of raids since the ISIS-linked attacks. Tiny Belgium — with a population of just 11 million — has the highest number per capita of militants fighting in Syria and Iraq, experts say. Many are from Molenbeek, which has a long history of links to extremism.

According to Claude Moniquet, a former Belgian intelligence agent and co-founder of the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center, poverty and segregation are feeding extremism in the area.

He said some parts of Molenbeek are 80 to 90 percent Muslim, "so there is no mixing, no interaction with other communities."

On top of this, officials have not taken on the extremist ideology head-on, Moniquet said.

"They completely let the bad guys do absolutely what they wanted," he said. "They have been too nice, too tolerant, too bland. They didn't want to see radical Islamism in this part of the country because the only thing interesting for them is peace [and quiet] and to be reelected."
This is practically the case in many parts of Europe now where Muslim enclaves reign. The authorities literally think leaving the problem alone will make it go away, when the opposite is the real picture. But will they change now? Don't bet on it so easily.

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