Saturday, November 14, 2015


French president Hollande, a Socialist, said the attacks in Paris were acts of war and that France will fight back.

He and his comrades said this after the Charlie Hebdo attack.

And they did not fight back; in fact, Hollande and his leftist comrades in France and all over Europe have encouraged more unvetted muslim immigration and have defended a borderless Europe.

Hollande and the multicultural transnationalists like Merkel and Cameron are responsible for what happened in Paris.

Hollande and Merkel have blood on their hands.

Europeans who want to be safe, and remain European, need to toss out the politicians who support the EU, Schengen, the euro and replace them with politicians who will defend Europe and who want Europe to remain European, who will take their nation out of the EU, restore national borders, and control immigration.

If Europeans fail to elect politicians who will restore sovereignty, then the end if Europe is THEIR fault alone.

Europeans must cast aside the lies and slanderous attacks the leftist dominated media and academy have hurled at the anti-EU politicians like Farage, Le Pen, Orban and Wilders, and embrace their calls for greater sovereignty and their love of national culture.

If the sovereignists fail to win in the next elections, then a EUROPEAN Europe will disappear in our lifetime.

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