Tuesday, September 15, 2015


I think that very soon the establishment will rally around Kasich and Rubio.

Ohio and Florida are key states and the midwest and latinos are key, too.

The establishment will soon pressure Christie and Jeb to drop out and each to endorse one of the above.

Perry will endorse one of them and then Graham, Pataki, Gilmore and McCain.

Then Romney,  to give the appearance of inevitability.

They will do this out of desperation to stop Trump.

When Trump falters -as he will once the field is whittled down and he no longer sucks up all the oxygen - he will endorse Cruz.

Fiorina gets Carson's endorsement.

In the end it is Cruz and Fiorina versus the establishment...

BTW: I tried watching all of Trump's Dallas speech, but couldn't as it bored me. He has great style - exuding confidence and talking plain English - and he's right on most issues and his anger is well-placed, but there is no substance there. And he seems like he has ADD and no ability to focus and tell a story in a straight line.

Cruz is better on the issues and his agenda is clear, cogent, intelligent, and principled. Fiorina, too. In a long contest Trump will become more and more grating, and Cruz and Fiorina more appealing.

In my opinion.

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