Friday, May 15, 2015


Another terrorist attack that was stopped:
The Shin Bet and Jerusalem Police prevented a stabbing attack on a Jewish security guard in east Jerusalem, according to a statement by the security agency on Thursday.

The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) said that earlier this month they and the Jerusalem Police arrested three suspects – Muhammad Nasser Ahmed Abassi, 21, Murad Muhammad Uda Kustiro, 23, and a minor – on suspicion of plotting an attack on security guards stationed outside of Beit Ovadia, a Jewish building in the mainly Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan.

The Shin Bet said Abassi confessed to having the minor carry out surveillance on the house ahead of a planned shooting attack. Abassi later decided that a stabbing attack had more potential to work, so he acquired a knife and axe and stashed them at his house and his grandfather’s house, the Shin Bet said.

He also admitted to making pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails which were used against Israeli police during recent rioting in east Jerusalem.

According to the Shin Bet, Abassi is affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, while the other two are not linked to any group.
It doesn't make much difference whether they're part of a terrorist cell or not. The problem is that the criminals worship the Koran.

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