Wednesday, May 27, 2015


MTV wrote about the United Nations' new project called Comics Uniting Nations, which they're hoping will change the world in another 20-30 years. But with their record, and countries they have representing their human rights councils now, that change would not be for the better:
[...] You might not be familiar with these names, but The World’s Largest Lesson already has a lot of support from around the globe. Check this out: at the recent World Education Forum, Japan, Laos, Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan, Sudan, Latvia and Indonesia, among other countries, gave pledges to The World’s Largest Lesson.
Dear dear dear. I could accept Japan, Latvia, and Laos, but most of those other countries listed are a very bad lot, with gross human rights violations taking place there. For example, there's Pakistan, which has seen a horrifying number of Muslim honor murders take place. And slavemongering by Islamofacists is still prevalent in Sudan. In Indonesia, a huge percentage support jihadism. And two thirds of Muslims in Morocco and 3 of the aforementioned countries support establishing a new caliphate.
“The U.N. wants the people of the world to get invested in the Goals,” Josh Elder, Founder of Reading with Pictures, told MTV News. “We want that too, so we’ve assembled an international team of comic creators to craft a series of comics, one for each of the seventeen Global Goals. The comics will explain the challenges we all face and how every individual has a role to play in meeting those challenges.”

The project is on Kickstarter with a week to go, and a number of important comics creators’ names are already attached, including Fabio Moon, Gabriel Ba, Katie Cook, Fred Van Lente, Ryan Dunlavey, Ron Marz, Yen Yen Woo and Janet Lee. Likewise, Comics Uniting Nations is in talks with comics companies to publish single-page PSAs to talk about the Global Goals.
I wouldn't advise anybody who realizes what the UN truly is today to plunk any money into what's bound to become a propaganda project. Nor should any publishers be wasting time and resources working with the UN on this. It'd be nothing more than a boon to autocrats and other people who don't deserve your hard-earned money. The UN's also still got quite a replete record of hostility to Israel, and they're also full of anti-Americanism today, along with failure to disarm terrorist cells in Iran & Iraq. In fact, why are they asking people outside to fund their project instead of paying for it themselves? Most people at the UN doubtless get big salaries, and I'd think they could pay for it all by themselves, rather than cheat people out of their money.

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