Monday, April 13, 2015


The UN's allowed Iran to get a seat on their women's agency council:
Iran’s deplorable record on women’s rights did not stop the Islamic Republic from winning a seat on UN Women, a United Nations body that was formed in 2010 to promote women’s empowerment and gender equality.

“In Iran, women are legally barred from holding some government positions, there are no laws against domestic violence, and adultery is punishable by stoning, making it wholly inappropriate that Iran assume a leadership role on women’s rights and welfare at the U.N,” said U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, in criticizing the decision to make Iran a member of the women’s rights body.

Power added that she was “extremely disappointed” in the UN group’s decision. Iran’s three-year term as a UN Women Governing Board member begins January 1, 2016.
If she's really let down, why does she even continue to be a UN member? There's already a few other Islamic countries on that board already, so like much of the rest of the UN, it's nothing more than a joke. Nobody who really believes in human rights should be associating themselves with such an awful movement.

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