Friday, April 24, 2015


For the 100th memorial to the year when the Ottoman Turkish jihadists slaughtered 1.5 Armenians during WW1, Obama has once again refused to use honest wording, all because he doesn't want to alienate the phony allies the Turks make:
President Obama will again avoid describing the 1915 massacre of Armenians as "genocide," drawing more criticism from those who note he pledged to do so during his 2008 campaign.

Turkey, a key NATO ally, objects to use of the term genocide.

"President Obama's surrender to Turkey represents a national disgrace — it is, very simply, a betrayal of truth, a betrayal of trust," said Ken Hachikian, chairman of Armenian National Committee of America.

[...] Hachikian said the White House appears to be outsourcing policy to Turkey.

"With the world's attention drawn this April 24th to worldwide Armenian Genocide Centennial commemorations, President Obama will, tragically, use the moral standing of our nation not to defend the truth, but rather to enforce of a foreign power's gag-rule," he said.
That's just it. He's kowtowed yet again to a country that's plunging into the darkness of Islam, and a country that's likely to become as bad as Iran in the future.

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