Monday, March 09, 2015


The Likud's spoken out against the leftist newspaper and its publisher for all the problems they've gone out of their way to cause:
Senior Likud members lashed out against the daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth and its publisher Arnon (Noni) Mozes on Sunday for having published what has come to be known as the "concessions document" over the weekend.

The document in question appeared to be a draft submitted during U.S.-mediated peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians in 2013, suggesting that Israel, under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was willing to negotiate on the basis of 1967 borders, divide Jerusalem and afford Palestinian refugees a right of return.

Shortly after the document was made public, former American diplomat Dennis Ross, who mediated the talks, explained that at no stage of the talks did Netanyahu agree to any of the clauses included in the document.

On Sunday, the top echelon of the Likud convened a press conference to criticize Yedioth Ahronoth's decision to publish the document, in an obvious attempt to dissuade Likud voters from supporting the incumbent leader less than two weeks before the election.

"Lies always come out, and yet they have many fathers. One father of this lie is the journalist who lied, Nahum Barnea," said former Likud minister Benny Begin, referring to the Yedioth Ahronoth reporter who broke the story on Friday. "He invented a concessions document that had never existed and constructed a libelous story around it implicating the prime minister. The second father of this lie is the publisher -- Yedioth Ahronoth -- that put a contemptible headline on the story. This libelous publication is a disgrace to Israeli journalism."
I fully agree. And here's commentary on Mozes himself, the man who wants to be a backstage autocrat, and more about all the other so-called journalists who went out of their way to repeat all the propaganda Yediot was pushing. Anybody subscribing to the print edition of Yediot Achronot would do well to cancel their subscription immediately, and not prop up a paper that's just an embarrassment.

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