Wednesday, January 07, 2015


Another attack's been made at the office of the satirical weekly, and this time, tragically, there appear to be casualties of jihad:
Several people have been killed by armed gunmen in a shooting at the Paris offices of a satirical magazine, according to French media reports.

Shooting was heard at the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine known for publishing controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in 2012.

"Several men in black cagoules were heard to shout 'the Prophet has been avenged'", wrote Pierre de Cossette, a broadcast journalist with Europe1 News.

"I think there are casualties," said the publication's cartoonist, Renaud Luzier.

The magazine is based in Paris's 11th arrondissement.
It should be clearer than ever now that France is under siege by jihad, and this was bound to happen. But is the leftist government now in charge going to take effective action? There's no telling if they will.

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