Sunday, January 25, 2015


John Bolton's said Obama's being deluded if he thinks ISIS is suddenly on the run:
On Breitbart News Saturday at the Iowa Freedom Summit, former Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said President Barack Obama is “delusional” for declaring in his State of the Union address last week that ISIS was on the run.

Noting that ISIS just executed a Japanese hostage this weekend and citing recent terror attacks in Paris, Bolton said that Obama can talk about terrorists being on the run, but “it’s obviously not true.” Bolton said Americans are hearing about the ISIS beheadings and reading reports about ISIS gaining strength in the Middle East and wondering, “who’s defending our country?”[...]

Bolton said that voters are usually ahead of politicians in understanding the significance of national security issues, which he said are “only going to get more important” in 2016.
Bolton's got some good points. This year, people may be more awake than ever to the dangers we face in the modern world.

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