Friday, December 12, 2014


A jihadist attacked a Jewish family with acid:
An alleged Palestinian attacked a six Israelis with acid on Friday near a tunnel checkpoint in the West Bank.

The suspect was shot in the leg prior to his arrest; he remains in serious condition.

Magen David Adom workers treated the injured on site before evacuating them to Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem. The four girls, between the ages of eight-ten, and two adults suffered light wounds and remain in fair condition.

The suspected perpetrator received initial medical treatment at the scene, MDA reported.

According to the IDF, the attack occurred after the family traveling near the security checkpoint picked up a hitch-hiker, who proceeded to throw acid on the passengers in the vehicle.

The assailant then attempted to attack the father of the family with a screwdriver, but he managed to escape.

As security forces were in pursuit of the suspect, a separate civilian in a vehicle near the scene shot and wounded the suspected attacker in the leg.

Border Police officers then arrested him.
That monster should have both his legs shot up to make him less of a threat and ensure he'll never walk again. This incident is proof why it's dangerous to take hitchhikers in vehicles.

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