Thursday, November 06, 2014


This happened at least a week ago, but it shows that a certain group of denizens in France does despise her:
Marine Le Pen leaves few people indifferent in France, though sometimes the strong reactions she provokes can veer toward violence.

Such was the case on Monday afternoon when a group of young men waited for the political leader outside a supermarket as she did her shopping in the Parisian suburb of La-Celle-Saint-Cloud.

"Three or four youths asked locals to be sure it was indeed her," an unnamed police source told French daily Le Parisien.

Satisfied they had the right person, the group watched her get into her car and then began chucking rocks at the vehicle as she drove away. She was not hurt, but her car did suffer some damage.

No one claimed responsibility for the incident, which could have been an act of political activism or simple street violence. No arrests were reported.
Correction: nobody wants to admit this was a case of Islamofascism taking its toll, proving they're willing to target Marine Le Pen. We must hope she understands what the country is facing now more than ever, and that other people do too. She's also commented on the crisis the EU is causing with illegal immigration. Exactly why any country with a realistic mind should leave the EU.

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