Sunday, October 05, 2014


There was a fire at the Flight 93 Memorial construction site:
A flag that flew over the U.S. Capitol on Sept. 11, 2001, was consumed in a fire at the Flight 93 National Memorial in Pennsylvania, the National Park Service said Saturday.

Friday's fire in Shanksville destroyed the park's headquarters complex. State police and the park service are conducting a joint investigation into the blaze, whose cause hasn't been determined, the park service said.

Park staff completed an initial inventory Saturday and said that, in addition to the flag, the losses included a handful of personal items of passengers and crew, DVD copies of the annual commemoration ceremony and meetings of the Flight 93 National Memorial Federal Advisory Commission, and about 100 tribute items left by visitors since 2001.

Park staff saved hundreds of oral histories and a photo collection.
It's terrible even if only a small portion of the archival content was consumed, and what was the cause of this blaze? Is there any possibility Muslims or jihadist sympathizers started it? If that was indeed the case, then a grave obscenity was committed, and the culprits should be punished for their offensive crime against the memory of innocent people.

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