Friday, September 12, 2014


Thanks to Young Americans for Freedom, more than 250 schools around the USA have taken part in their special program for learning about the circumstances that led to 9-11. And:
If it weren't for the Foundation's student activists, most schools would ignore the anniversary of September 11. Even more worrisome are the professors who continue to blame America for the attacks. The Obama administration has even tried to change the meaning of 9/11 by turning the anniversary into a politically correct "national day of service." They would like us—and particularly young people—to forget who murdered nearly 3,000 innocent American men, women, and children.
No less worrisome is wondering how many of the same children will one day be learning in the same class as the crime-worshiping professors who blame the victims. I believe this is why YAF should make sure their program includes teaching students why they should be careful around ideologues who could espose dangerous beliefs, and teach why idol worship of flesh and blood humans can be ill advised.

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