Thursday, August 07, 2014


Geert Wilders wrote for Western Journalism about the dangers Islam is posing for Europe and Israel. At the beginning of this article, the editor notes:
In a generation or two, the US will ask itself: “Who lost Europe?”
Oh, that's correct. There's many reasons why no sensible person can turn their backs on Europe, not even countries where Islam gets the best privileges like Britain and Norway. And Wilders cites some of those reasons along the way in the article, such as:
[...] An Islamic Europe means a Europe without freedom and democracy, an economic wasteland, an intellectual nightmare, and a loss of military might for America – as its allies will turn into enemies, enemies with atomic bombs. With an Islamic Europe, it would be up to America alone to preserve the heritage of Rome, Athens, and Jerusalem.
By failing to address the jihad danger and letting it grow in Europe, this only ensures that one day, those with the means for defense will have to go to war again and this time it could be harder than ever because of all the jihadist neanderthals running amok.

And, worst of all, in another generation or two, if Europe becomes an Islamic wasteland, there's every chance they could build nuclear weapons on European soil, just like Iran's proven they can do on theirs. Allowing that to happen would doom future generations in civilized countries to a very ugly fate. That's why the issue must be addressed now. Amazingly enough, three Democrats in Congress have called for the USA to join in the battle against anti-Semitism in Europe, and a Republican even condemned the UN for their own anti-Israel stances. That's encouraging, but let's not forget for the moment that with Obama in charge, it'll be very hard to wage the battle against Islamofascism effectively unless a better politician can be found who'll focus on the issues without dishonesty.

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