Tuesday, August 05, 2014


Rowan Williams, the former archbishop of Canterbury, thinks Islamism is reviving British values:
Islam is rejuvenating “British values”, the former Archbishop of Canterbury has claimed while lambasting sections of the press for presenting Muslims as “un-British”.
Gee, really, they're being that negative to Islam? I've had enough experience with the UK press to know they're anything but negative about Muslim adherents in Britain, or anywhere for that matter.
Rowan Williams was giving a speech at the annual Living Islam Festival in Lincolnshire on Friday, discussing what British values were and how Muslims could affect them.

He said one of the greatest gifts to Britain had been bringing back “open, honest and difficult public discussion”, the Times reported.

Asked if he thought Islam was restoring British values, he said: “Yes. I’m thinking of the way in which, for example, in Birmingham we have seen a local parish and a mosque combining together to provide family services and youth activities, both acting out of a very strong sense that this is what communities ought to do.”
Williams sure loves floating around in bubbles, doesn't he? I'm guessing it was a dhimmified church he speaks of. It's just like some of them in that country to keel over. Interestingly, Williams also spoke against UK values:
...in comments reported by the Guardian, he also objected to the notion of British values, saying they should be more universal.

“The setting-up therefore of British values against any kind of values, whether Muslim or Christian, just won't do,” he said.
Translation: Muslim values are superior to British "values", whatever they had to begin with. And let's not be fooled by his supposed support for Christianity.
His comments have provoked less controversy than some previous statements on Islam.
At a convention like that, it figures. As for the rest of the public, I hope it's because they're tired of phonies like him, and see no point in listening to a word of his dreary babble.

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