Tuesday, July 15, 2014


The Hamas rockets have resulted in more injuries:
Three people were seriously injured from rocket fire in Be'er Sheva on Monday, including two teenage sisters.

The sisters, ages 11 and 12, respectively, were hit by shrapnel after a rocket landed in a Jewish village close to Be'er Sheva.

They admitted themselves to Soroka Medical Center shortly after the attack; they are listed in moderate and serious condition.

An 81 year-old disabled man was also seriously injured in the attack. Magen David Adom (MDA) and Ichud Hatzalah medics treated him at the scene; he was transferred to Soroka for more treatment.

Another rocket was shot down by the Iron Dome Monday evening, and two additional rockets exploded in open areas near Be'er Sheva.

Two additional rockets exploded near Yeruham, with no injures or damage reported.
Sooner or later, the attacks will claim a victim in death. If the government continues to wait and not plunge into Gaza to deal with the monsters, it could happen, and that's not what any sane person wants.

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