Saturday, June 14, 2014


FIFA Intl. is giving soccer and other sports a bad name, and so too is the SF Chronicle/AP Wire:
The feel-good Palestinian winner of last year's 'Arab Idol' competition kicked off the FIFA Congress on Tuesday with an impromptu call to his homeland, signing off his performance with an emphatic "Viva Palestine."

The gesture in Sao Paulo came as Israelis and Palestinians continued their stalemate over the free movement of Palestinian footballers and against a backdrop of FIFA President Sepp Blatter urging the parties to "separate politics and sports."

Wearing a Muslim headscarf around his neck, Mohammed Assaf, a young wedding singer from the Gaza Strip whose songs often touch upon the Palestinian struggle for independence, sang before world football leaders in Arabic and English.

Upon finishing his act, he abruptly asked for the microphone to thank Blatter and to single out Jibril Rajoub, the head of the Palestine Football Association, who has been sparring with Israel over the movement issue.
That stupid Blatter just can't comprehend that pushing the palestine fabrication IS political, and how can you separate that? Nobody should have to waste time on FIFA if this is how they're going to conduct their business and allow propagandists to push their filth, not just at Israel's expense, but also at sanity's. Rajoub is one of the worst terrorists who'd worked for the PLO, and Assaf's worship for him just proves he fully sides with his abominable acts of yore.

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