Thursday, May 08, 2014


Breitbart London found unsurprising news that the PLO had every intention of trashing their pseudo-negotiations:
Israel's national security chief sent a letter to the White House, the EU and numerous ambassadors including hard proof that Palestinian Authority officials were devising measures to thwart the peace process even before Israel refused to release a fourth round of Palestinian prisoners at the end of March, Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz reported.

In his letter dated April 22, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's national security adviser, Yossi Cohen, included a policy paper written by chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat in preparation for a Palestinian rejection of American mediation efforts and Israeli overtures. The paper was written in March, nearly a month before Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas made a unilateral move to sign 15 international conventions, ostensibly in response to Israel’s refusal to honor its commitment to release the final round of prisoners.

As Erekat had planned the maneuver weeks before Israel announced its refusal to release the prisoners, Cohen argues, the Palestinian leadership never intended to follow through with peace talks in good faith.
It all figures. These filthy excrementals were evil all along, and had every intention to keep it up. No one with sanity should have anything to do with them.

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