Tuesday, May 20, 2014


KXXV-TV reports that more efforts are underway to get genuine recognition for the victims of Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood:
Congressmen John Carter (R-TX 31) and Bill Flores (R-TX 17) and LTC Allen West, who is contemplating a run for President in 2016, hosted a press conference Monday morning on Ft. Hood to continue their push to designate the Nidal Hasan attack on post as a terror attack.

The Obama Administration continues to classify the shootings as workplace violence, denying victims and their families Purple Heart medals and additional medical and financial benefits.

Carter and Congressman Roger Williams introduced the Fort Hood Heroes Act (H.R. 3111) to ensure the victims of the tragic Nov. 5, 2009 terrorist attack on Fort Hood receive those due benefits and awards. Most recently, language was introduced into the House’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would make that happen.

“Since day one, when Nidal Hasan screamed out ‘Allah Akbar’ while attacking our soldiers we knew the shooting was an act of terror,” said Congressman Carter, representative of Fort Hood and co-chair of the House Army Caucus.

“Since that day the Obama Administration has been hiding behind political correctness and four and a half years later they still can’t face the truth. This was an act of terror, plain and simple. The victims and families of this attack deserve recognition from their government and a chance to finally move on with their lives. I urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to quickly pass the NDAA to finally give the victims and families the restitution they deserve,” he added.
Will the Obama administration simply cooperate for a change and award the victims their purple hearts finally? They're not helping by holding out, and by continuing to do so, it only worsens the pain.

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