Wednesday, May 21, 2014


The former Egyptian autocrat's gotten time in the slammer, and his sons got a year extra:
An Egyptian court on Wednesday sentenced ousted president Hosni Mubarak to three years in prison on charges of stealing public funds.

"The court orders Mohammed Hosni Mubarak to be sent to jail for three years," said judge Osama Shaheen as Mubarak looked on from a cage flanked by his sons, who were sentenced to four years in jail on the same charges.

The funds were meant for renovating and maintaining presidential palaces but were instead spent on upgrading the family's private residences.

[...] The verdict may please some Egyptians who lived through three decades of autocracy under Mubarak, but analysts say that businessmen still loyal to him are still influential. Rights groups say that abusive practices of the Mubarak regime are alive and well as another former military man prepares to take the reins of power.
About Mubarak's own dictatorship, they're correct. No matter how awful Mohammed Morsi was, Mubarak was no better, and did much on his part to harm Egypt's economic status and foster a bigoted environment run by Islamofascism. That can't be overlooked.

1 comment:

  1. mubarak was good for egypt and the middle easy and the usa
