Monday, May 26, 2014

Howard Kurtz Runs Hit Piece on O'Keefe --- Kurtz and Other Media-Whores Think The Issue is Greed - It's Not Greed, You Fucking Pig

Kurtz, you fucking pig.

The Horror. The Horror.

O'Keefe catches Ed Begley Jr., Mariel Hemingway, and "producer" Josh Trickell in the act of accepting money from a "rich oil Sheikh" who tells them OUTRIGHT THAT HIS INTENTION IS TO HARM AMERICA,


Here's what Kurtz says about it:
Hemingway and Begley were not looking to raise a dime and have no stake in the proposed fracking documentary. They were there at the request of director Josh Tickell, a liberal filmmaker whose past work has focused on biofuels and the BP oil spill.



I would so love to string these Hollywood bitchez up.

Hang 'em high. Fucking Jane Fonda wannabes.


I've been thinking about this since I wrote the post. I realize my outrage does not suffice to articulate what is going on here.

The people involved in this Treasonous act against our nation do not understand what they have done wrong. That is stunning to me, but when I think about it, there is a good reason for their uncomprehending, yet clearly intended villainy.

Mariel Hemingway went on TV and absolutely owned up to all the facts in the video, and she did so AS IF THE FACTS ABSOLVED HER.

Again, she thinks the issue is greed, but it's treason. 

Similarly, Ed Begley Jr. had the audacity to ask authorities to investigate O'Keefe for what he did for pulling off this sting. Begley thinks O'Keefe has done wrong, but that he, the Treasonous maniac, is innocent.

The reason these people, Kurtz, Hemingway, and Ed Begley Jr. believe they can admit to the facts and that will absolve them is this:


But the repetition of Treason does not make it any less so. Treason is Treason.

Treason is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

This "rick oil Sheikh" made it clear that he is an enemy of the United States of America. And they went along with his scheme. That is Treason. Plain and simple.

These people are willing to admit the facts because they don't believe they have done anything wrong. The reason they don't believe they have done anything wrong is because they believe America is an evil nation, and to betray their country, to commit Treason is the right thing to do.

And this feeling is reinforced for them, because they see people committing treason all the time.

Treason has become fashionable in the circles in which they travel.

That being said, I have rarely seen a more outright case of Treason than this.

Matt Damon did the same thing with his movie, but he failed at hiding the facts.

This time, they attempted to hide the facts and they got stung by O'Keefe. A failure to hide the facts does not absolve Treason.

So Matt Damon committed Treason too, but he got caught, and nothing happened to him. This adds to the feeling of invincibility that people like Hemingway, Kurtz, and Begley have about their actions.

It is time to call them on the truth of their Treason. I am serious. If it were up to me, they would be tried for Treason, and if found guilty, they would be executed.

I would be happy to be the one who pulled the lever for the trap door to fall out from beneath their feet, so I can hear the sound of the noose snapping their Treasonous little necks.


  1. Well, in a way, it is about greed...Theirs!

  2. I don't begrudge anyone making money. The problem is these people want to hurt America.

    Maybe it's about greed on the side of the "rich oil Sheikhs." But even with them, it's about hurting America.

  3. Hi Patorius,

    Great Post. I agree with you completely.

    It is apparent from the story that Hemingway and Begley were not primarily motivated by the idea of making money.

    They were motivated by the opportunity to do something to promote their cause (the cause of destroying America) and were only too happy that somebody else was willing to pay them to do it.

    They knew that the source of the money was suspect, and they were very happy that the funding would be laundered and concealed.

  4. I've been thinking about this since I wrote the post.

    I realized that Mariel Hemingway also went on TV and absolutely owned up to all the facts in the video, and she did so AS IF THE FACTS ABSOLVED HER.

    Again, she thinks the issue is greed, but it's treason.

    Similarly, Ed Begley Jr. had the audacity to ask authorities to investigate O'Keefe for what he did.

    The reason these people, Kurtz, Hemingway, and Ed Begley Jr. believe they can admit to the facts and that will absolve them is this:


    But the repetition of Treason does not make it any less so.

    Treason is Treason.

    Treason is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

    This "rick oil Sheikh" made it clear that he is an enemy of the United States of America.

    And they went along with his scheme.

    That is Treason.

    Plain and simple.

    These people are willing to admit the facts because they don't believe they have done anything wrong. The reason they don't believe they have done anything wrong is because they believe Treason is right, because they see people committing treason all the time. Treason has become fashionable.

    That being said, I have rarely seen a more outright case of Treason than this.

    Basically, Matt Damon did the same thing with his movie, but he failed at hiding the facts. This time, they attempted to hide the facts and they got stung by O'keefe. A failure to hide the facts does not absolve Treason. So Matt Damon committed Treason too, but he got caught, and nothing happened to him.

    This adds to the feeling of invincibility that people like Hemingway, Kurtz, and Begley have about their actions.

    It is time to call them on the truth of their Treason. I am serious. If it were up to me, they would be tried for Treason, and if found guilty, they would be executed.
