Monday, May 12, 2014


Sun News makes clear that jihad is not Canadian:
Fighting armed jihad is not "as Canadian as maple syrup." It's completely against our values.

It's criminal. It's terrorism

Yet that's just what Abu Dujana al-Muhajir wrote in a blog post. He's one of several Calgary youth who left the country to pursue jihad in Syria.

The Syrian civil war has raged on since 2011 and is still rife with sectarian strife, with many Islamist factions.

CSIS believes 30 Canadians are fighting in extremist groups in the country.

Abu Dujana's post lists writer Irshad Manji among a group of "deviants" and says Sun Media columnist Tarek Fatah is a "sell out" for his views on Islam.

Let's not try to downplay what Abu Dujana's saying. Let's not ignore it and hope it will go away.

While we firmly reject his attempts to normalize jihad among our youth, the truth is Islamic extremism in Canada is growing.
And they both need to come up with educational curriculum to prevent it, while simultaneously exiling any and all who go to Syria for the sake of jihad.

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