Tuesday, April 01, 2014


We'd be better off without Kerry visiting here anyway. Haaretz says:
American efforts to reach a "deal" to extend the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians have reached a severe crisis Tuesday evening. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry canceled his planned visit to Jerusalem and Ramallah barely two hours after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signed 15 international treaties the Palestinian state is interested in joining, and after earlier in the day Israel issued 700 new tenders for housing units in Jerusalem neighborhood across the Green Line.
Well it's our territory, so Abbas has got no business demanding it.
In a press conference in Brussels, Belgium Kerry attempted to play down the crisis, and noted that it is premature draw conclusions about the day's events.

"We urge both sides to show restraint," he said. Kerry added that none of the treaties signed by the Palestinian president has anything to do with UN agencies.
Sure, I'll bet it doesn't.
Israeli officials said Jerusalem estimates that Abbas' step is an attempt to exert last-minute pressure on Israel and the United States to improve the Palestinian side of the deal to extend the peace talks, which were due to end on April 29. The Prime Minister's Office has yet to comment on the matter.

Before signing the documents, Abbas had asked the members of the PLO leadership in attendance to vote yea or nay - and the vote was unanimously in favor. Abbas then signed the papers.

Abbas said the leadership made its decision after Israel did not commit to releasing a fourth round of prisoners.
Why should we commit to releasing savages, whom the PLO won't even admit were? Monsters they were, monsters they still are.

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