Monday, April 07, 2014


According to this account, it wasn't a lethal chemical per se, but that doesn't mean it wasn't something to worry about:
The Assad regime used a non-lethal chemical weapon on March 27 on the outskirts of Damascus, an Israeli security source said Monday.

The source said he could confirm claims made by Syrian rebels and doctors last month, that a substance was used on rebel fighters in Harasta, an outlying region of the Syrian capital, adding that the chemical "neutralizes but does not kill." A second alleged use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime occurred in the same area within days of the first attack, according to Syrian opposition sources, though the security source said he could not confirm that additional report.

According to the New York-based website Syria Deeply, which interviewed doctors on the ground in Syria, in one instance, 25 fighters were injured. Despite the assertion by the security source that the chemical is non lethal, some reports suggested that four people were killed in the March 27 attack.

[...] "Symptoms suffered by patients included hallucination, accelerated pulse, trouble breathing and, in some cases, suffocation," according to SAMS.
If at least a handful were killed by the chemicals, and illnesses ensued, I don't consider that "non-lethal".

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