Tuesday, March 11, 2014


England and other parts of Europe are still keeping up an anti-Israeli policy:
The UK, along with the European Union (EU) and other European governments, has been investing massive public funds in an NGO engaged in lawfare against Israel's legal system, reports research institute NGO Monitor.

The NGO, called the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), has been acting to sabotage Israel's legal processes, according to the report, which was released in time for British Prime Minister David Cameron's visit to Israel on Wednesday.

"From 2011-2015, the UK provided £6 million (roughly $10 million) to NRC, one of the largest single grants to any NGO in the region, used to pursue legal cases aimed at influencing Israeli policies, lobby for international sanctions against Israel, and support international campaigns of demonization," reported NGO Monitor President Prof. Gerald Steinberg.

Between the UK, the EU, Norway and Sweden, NRC received over $20 million between 2011 and 2013 to provide "evidence and analysis to form the basis for international pressure on Israel," as well as to change Israeli policy and practice.
What are we to assume from this? That UK taxpayers are fine with their money being abused for the sake of advancing Islam in any part of the world? What happens in Israel could very easily come back to haunt them in the UK, so taxpayers in the UK and Europe should start protesting this misuse of their bread.

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