Saturday, March 29, 2014


Raymond Ibrahim says the jihadis in Turkey have launched new murderous assaults on Armenians in Syria:
Far from being repentant of the Armenian Genocide, Turkey, under the leadership of Prime Minister Erdogan, is again targeting Armenians; is again causing their death and dislocation.

In the early morning hours of March 21, al-Qaeda linked Islamic jihadis crossed into Syrian territory from the Turkish border and launched a jihad on the Christian/Armenian town of Kessab. Among other thing, "Snipers targeted the civilian population and launched mortar attacks on the town and the surrounding villages." Reportedly eighty people were killed.

The jihadis later made a video touring the devastated town. No translation is needed, as the main phrase shouted throughout is Islam's triumphant war cry, "Allahu Akbar" (or, according to Sen. John McCain's translation, "thank God").

Eyewitnesses say the jihadis crossed the Turkish border into Syria, "openly passing through Turkish military barracks. According to Turkish media reports, the attackers carried their injured back to Turkey for treatment in the town of Yayladagi."

About two-thousand Armenians were evacuated to safer areas in neighboring Basit and Latakia. Several of these families are currently living inside the churches of these towns. Ten to fifteen families with members too elderly to flee remained in Kessab, their fate currently unknown.

Syrian troops launched a counteroffensive, but al-Qaeda linked jihadis "once again entered the town of Kessab, took the remaining Armenian families hostage, desecrated the town's three Armenian churches, pillaging local residences and occupying the town and surrounding villages."
So Turkey isn't just moving back to Islamofascism. They're even providing jihadists with a base to launch attacks on kaffirs.

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