Wednesday, March 12, 2014


It all began with this CBR interview where he makes a fool of himself by saying:
I would be a terrible editor for "Ms. Marvel" because that is not a culture I understand anything about. I just don't have the background in it -- I'd have to research it. I could do that, but it would be clinical research. It's not genuine. It’s not my experiences. But the folks working on that title (Muslim editor/writer) have that experience, and bring it to the project.
Even if they hadn't gone out of their way to produce such an embarrassment at all costs, Brevoort's still a terrible editor. He proved that the moment he and Joe Quesada greenlighted Avengers: Disassembled, the catalyst for some of the worst modern company wide crossovers, leading to a situation where they're all stunts all the time. Now, he's letting everybody know he's not a man who cares to educate himself about other cultures, setting a poor example.

Cartoonist Bosch Fawstin, a former Muslim himself, confronted him on Twitter, and in the end, Brevoort just broke down into an insult:

Brevoort did not take this well, and finally, he replied to Fawstin and other tweeters:

He knows nothing about Islam, openly admits he doesn't even care to research it, thinking it would be "clinical" only, yet he casts judgement and declares that no man or woman who leave the Religion of Peace are allowed to criticize their former lifestyle. He's not very honest either, or he'd admit he thinks only Judeo-Christians are allowed to. One of the tweeters said in reply:

Yeah, maybe little Tommy is! At the same time, based on Islam's hostility to LGBT, if he supports Islam, then he must be a homophobe!

Later on, after this took place, he said:

I assume after he realized he blew the whole argument, he took the easy way out and shunned all the dissenters. Poor man. He just isn't brave enough to admit he makes mistakes.

And why was he editing books featuring Captain America if he hates "jingoism"? Does money trump ideology? If he doesn't like patriotism, he shouldn't be working on anything remotely connected with Steve Rogers.

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