Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Gaffney, one of the best voices on these issues, spoke about Obama's disturbing plans on Big Peace:
It is not clear precisely how the U.S government will be able to assure such outcomes having already announced that it is terminating the present arrangement. Businesses and non-governmental organizations that have endorsed this initiative with the caveat that they expect these conditions to eventuate are either kidding themselves or deceiving the rest of us.

That is especially so given that it is a safe bet ICANN will fall under the effective, if not de jure, control of the United Nation’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Should that happen, neither the security, stability, nor resiliency of the Internet’s Domain Name System can be assured. Indeed, this sort of arrangement has long been demanded by such enemies of freedom and free expression as the governments of Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran; multi-national groups like the Organization of Islamic Cooperation; and the UN bureaucracy.
Gaffney says that the US Congress must do its part to ensure the Net will not fall into the hands of all these dictatorships, and the Center for Security Policy has a petition you can sign to protest this too. The UN is definitely not a movement that should be allowed to control the Net.

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