Monday, March 24, 2014


Moshe Phillips and Benjamin Korn make clear why forming a palestinian state would be dangerous:
Last week, a shipload of advanced Iranian weapons would have reached its destination Gaza, were it not for the last-minute intervention of the Israeli Navy. And last week, 90 rockets were fired from Gaza at Israel.

Now let’s imagine how the actions of the Gaza Palestinians would have looked if they had been West Bank Palestinians, acting from inside a Palestinian state.

Despite the felicitous turn of phrase, there is no such thing as “a de-militarized Palestinian state.” An independent state controls its own borders. “Palestine” would be free to open its borders to truckload after truckload after truckload of Iranian (and Syrian and North Korean) weapons.

If Israel tried to intervene, it would be accused of violating Palestinian sovereignty, denounced at the United Nations, and threatened with international sanctions.

Now about those 90 rockets. A Palestinian state in Judea-Samaria would mean that the border with Palestine would reach the outskirts of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Those 90 rockets might have been aimed at the Western Wall, the Azrieli Towers, or airplanes landing at Ben-Gurion airport.

The shooters would quickly vanish behind the civilian shields of Palestinian orchards, tunnels and safe houses. The government of Palestine would declare that the attacks were “regrettable,” but “of course, we cannot control every extremist element.”

All the while, Palestine would continue to amass a huge arsenal of weapons – just as Hamas has done in Gaza and Hezbollah has done in southern Lebanon – and Israel would be helpless to stop it, without launching a pre-emptive war and inviting the wrath of the international community.
That's the main reason why it's dangerous if such a horror came to fruition.

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