Tuesday, February 18, 2014


An important victory has been won that can help prevent Netanyahu from making concessions to the PLO (Hat tip: Big Peace):
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s political future suffered a major blow Monday when the Tel Aviv District Court ruled that the Likud’s institutions can vote to take key powers away from him.

The Likud’s law committee had ruled that the power to convene the party’s central committee could be taken away from the party leader and given to the head of the central committee, Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon.

When an internal Likud court overruled the law committee, Danon took Netanyahu to the external court.

Judge Dafna Avnieli ruled in Danon’s favor and forced Netanyahu’s lawyers, who work for the party, to pay Danon NIS 40,000 in legal bills. In her ruling, she criticized Netanyahu for trying to paralyze the party’s institutions.

The significance of the ruling is that Danon will be able to convene the central committee next month for votes on key issues Netanyahu opposes, including opposing territorial concessions and preventing a merger with Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman’s Yisrael Beytenu party.
This is a win for democratic process, and good for stopping any Likud leader from making dangerous concessions.

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