Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I got to admit, this is an interesting idea:
Palestinians should become full citizens in Israel, according to Habayit Hayehudi MK Zvulun Kalfa.

"We should grant Palestinians full citizenship, equality, invest in their local infrastructure and [give them] voting rights in the Knesset," Kalfa said, in a surprising suggestion from a right-wing MK.

The proposal is born out of Kalfa's ideological objection to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He believes that the state should draft a law claiming all the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea as an undivided Israel, and making all residents within its borders Israeli.

Kalfa feels this will put an end to claims of Israeli apartheid or maltreatment of its Arab residents.
Yes, it does have the potential of reducing a lot of those problems, though a lot of the Islamists wouldn't thank him for proposing this, and would be likely to continue voting for Arab/Muslim parties in the Knesset, and other left-wing movements. But it could still have something to it, so maybe it should be experimented on.

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