Tuesday, February 04, 2014


Mark Langfan writes about why it's high time for the USA to stop wasting taxpayer's money, and lets know that a certain rival country is now giving them dough:
Last week, the Palestinian Authority's Chairman and Terrorist-Paymaster Mahmoud Abbas inked a 1 billion dollar deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin to extract gas and oil from the Gaza Strip's economic exclusion zone.

Apart from all the other issues, with this money from Russia, it's now time to cut all US aid to the Palestinian Authority and Abbas.

First, Abbas appears to be very good at selling "rugs" he doesn't own. Hamas, and not Abbas' Fatah, is in control of the Gaza Strip. So Putin really should be talking to Hamas. But Putin has been talking to Iran, Hamas' puppet-master, so the deal is probably fine with Hamas. Consequently, the billion-dollar payment to Abbas is a token to perfect the real deal with Hamas.

And isn't it strange that the same Abbas who is impotent to compromise on "one refugee's right of return" in a "peace" deal is the same Abbas who is omnipotent in transacting oil deals with Russia that deposit a billion dollars into his sovereign Swiss bank account for those very exact same Palestinians?
Agreed. It's also time for Europe to stop funding them, and with some effort, it is possible to persuade European governments to stop wasting their own innocent citizens' tax money on such awful movements.

Putin's willingness to deal with Abbas is reprehensible and only reinforces the notion Russia is sinking back into the totalitarian MO they'd had until 1990.

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