Friday, February 14, 2014


Another example of somebody who threw away his future for the sake of nothingness:
An amateur boxer has become the tenth known Briton to have died fighting President Bashar al-Assad’s forces in Syria.

On Thursday police were searching the house where Anil Khalil Raoufi, 20, a mechanical engineering student, lived with his family in a suburb of Manchester.

Officers said they were attempting to establish how "a man from the North West" could have come to be killed in Syria, although they did not confirm his identity. It is believed that Raoufi was fighting with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a jihadist group linked to al-Qaeda.

The disclosure comes amid mounting concern over the number of Britons joining rebels in Syria. It is believed that several hundred have travelled from Britain to fight in the country, and security services fear they will be trained in terror techniques and return to the UK.
As I figured, they'd avoid directly acknowledging the influence of Islam in this case; I don't expect the UK authorities to talk about this later on. The sad reality is that they're not trying to prevent these bad influences at all.

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